Improve patient care and safety through secure and standardized interoperability

I had recently had the pleasure to speak about "Digital Transformation in Healthcare System" at the Indoanesthesia 2023 Congress in Jakarta and learned about digital transformation programs in Indonesia. The program is very impressive and encouraging but also very ambitious. Digital Transformation is a driving topic around the world. After Covid-19, many countries have announced or already started with digital transformation initiatives. Often, these programs are accompanied with new regulations or governmental guidances.
Interoperability standards and as well as a holistic view on technologies, scalable systems and standards to seamlessly deliver data are required to improve patients care. But it also requires a holistic view on IT security with a high focus on prevention or better: make it right the first time. While currently the focus is set primarily to medical device manufactures, the holistic approach to entire healthcare ecosystem is still missing in many guidances and regulations around the world. Preventing patient data leaks across connected health IT systems and devices, need standards in interoperability and security and should be equally defined for all stakeholders in an ecosystem. We need to build trust to patients and clinicians through secure networks, solutions, systems and devices. And this cannot be done with guidances and regulation which do not include a holistic view with intersystem connections across different technologies.
IT and Data will drive new solutions. Let's make rights from the first time.

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